In this book, Deacon Bob takes an honest look at a typical day, with all its varied hues of colour and emotion.

As humans, created in the image and likeness of God, we are meant to endure all the ups and downs of life, to experience all that Christ endured for us. Every valley, every hill is meant to provide us with an opportunity to recognize God's presence in our life and to help us become the individuals God created us to be.

As a husband of 55 plus years, a father of three and grandfather of eight, and as an ordained Permanent Deacon, it is important that I not only Encounter the Presence of God in the ups and downs of my daily life but that I share those encounters with others, to the best of my ability.

It is my hope and prayer that Amidst Life's Clouds, a NEW DAY will help you to Encounter the Presence of God in the ordinary and extraordinary, up and down events, that are not only common but can be expected in the course of everyday life.

Amidst Life's Clouds, A NEW DAY

Amidst Life's Clouds A NEW DAY

Encountering the Presence of God

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God brings light to our dark times.
God brings light to our dark times.